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Are you looking for a local retailer? If so, head over to our Retailer Finder and simply enter your postcode to find a gas bottle retailer near you.
Learn more about our Butane, Propane and Patio Gas bottles and how to refill, exchange and return when you no longer need them.
Everything you’ll need to know about our above ground and underground tanks whether you’re already a Calor customer or you’re looking to switch.
For help managing your online account and any questions you may have, regarding registering, payments, ordering or more.
If you have any questions regarding service or deliveries, you should be able to find the answers here.
Here’s all the information you’ll need to know if you’re part of a metered estate or looking to move to one.
Want to know if LPG is the right option for you? Learn more here...
Looking for an Installer or have a question about LPG installation? Look no further…
Our sustainable fuel products. Learn more about them and how they can work for your home or business.
I have an unwanted gas bottle, how do I return it?
Can I exchange my gas bottle for a different size?
How do I get a refund for the gas bottle I'm returning?
How much does a Cylinder Refill Agreement (CRA) cost?
What is a Cylinder Refill Agreement (CRA)?
What can I use the 5kg Patio Gas cylinder for?
What can I use the 6kg Propane cylinder for?
What can I use the 13kg Patio Gas cylinder for?
What is Patio Gas?