What it means to be an ‘On Demand’ customer
As you’re not on ‘Auto Top-up’ and you order your own gas, we understand how important it is for you to plan ahead.
Here’s what you need to know:
When should you place an order? We recommend ordering a top-up when your tank reaches 30% or is below ¼ full (depending on your gauge type) and before it reaches 20%.
When will you receive your gas? We’ll aim to deliver your gas within 21 days of placing your order.*
What happens if you let your tank run low? If you leave it too late and your tank has less than 20% left and you’d still like a delivery within 21 days, you can now take advantage of our premium delivery service for a charge of £100**.
When will I know my order is on its way? We’ll send you a text to let you know when to expect us, so you can get ready for your delivery. If you haven’t registered for our SMS delivery notification service, you can do so by emailing customerservices@calor.co.uk or calling on 0345 609 6202.
Have you heard about ‘Auto Top-up’?
Our ‘Auto Top-up’ delivery service schedules your deliveries for you. The telemetry unit fitted to your gas tank can tell us how much gas you’re using, which helps us work out when you’ll next need a delivery.
Whilst we try not to leave our customers without gas, this can occasionally happen. If you register for ‘Auto Top-up’ and we leave you without gas, you need to call us on 0345 609 6202 to let us know. We’ll schedule your order for next-day delivery† and, where applicable, we’ll credit your account with a goodwill payment of £100***.
Switch to ‘Auto Top-up’.
If your tank is fitted with telemetry, you can switch to our ‘Auto Top-up’**** service at any time.
To make the switch, email us on customerservices@calor.co.uk or call us on 0345 609 6202, Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm.
*Occasionally, circumstances beyond our control (such as poor weather or other unexpected events) may restrict or delay our ability to deliver within these timescales.
**We are trialing this new premium delivery service which is purely optional. Please note, this is a limited time delivery service from 1/08/2024 to 31/03/2025. We reserve the right to suspend the service if demand becomes too high. We have a limited number of premium delivery slots every month. We will provide a refund of the £100 premium delivery service charge should we fail to deliver within the 14 days window of the premium delivery.
***Credit payable at Calor’s discretion and not payable if gas run out is caused by circumstances outside our reasonable control.
****Subject to the telemetry unit being able to receive signal and subject to meeting certain criteria for switching to this service. Once you get in touch, we’d be able to advise on eligibility criteria.
† We’ll schedule your order for as soon as possible after you alert us to your situation, in the majority of cases a delivery will be completed within 24 hours. Please note, next-day delivery is only possible if the call is made prior to 2pm to allow for rescheduling.